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According to 8,749 children caught up in 17 different emergencies – ranging from conflict to protracted crises and disasters – who took part in 16 studies by eight organisations covering 17 different emergencies, 99% of children in crisis situations see education as a priority. When children living in emergency and crisis are asked what they need most, time and time again they tell us they want to continue their education.

According to 8,749 children caught up in 17 different emergencies – ranging from conflict to protracted crises and disasters – who took part in 16 studies by eight organisations covering 17 different emergencies, 99% of children in crisis situations see education as a priority.

When children living in emergency and crisis are asked what they need most, time and time again they tell us they want to continue their education.
Without the work of EFTC and our supporters, our students’ parents wouldn’t be able to send them to school. The children would end up working or begging on the streets, staying at home to help with household chores or resorting to petty crime. Worse still, they could fall prey to the local gangs.

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