We are open Monday-Friday

7:00 am – 9:00 pm

Have a question? Call us now

8 (062) 526 8953

need A repair? our address

San Diego, Kings Str. 21


Our services




Tri-tip bresaola pork belly jowl, short ribs drumstick corned beef short loin venison landjaeger shank tongue.

Ball tip short loin cupim, pork chop venison tongue hamburger spare ribs jowl kielbasa pork short ribs ham hock porchetta. Chuck pork loin short ribs sirloin turducken, t-bone filet mignon spare ribs doner ham prosciutto cupim pork flank kevin.

Ethbert Cohnson

Station owner

Why Choose US?

We Are the Best

Ball tip short loin cupim, pork chop venison tongue hamburger spare ribs jowl kielbasa pork short ribs ham hock porchetta. Chuck pork loin short ribs sirloin turducken, t-bone filet mignon.


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