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In an effort to change that statistic, we have compiled a list of seven organizations, ranging from nonprofits to good doing companies, who are on a mission to ensure that everyone has drinkable water. Feel free to tell us about other water organizations who are guaranteeing that clean water isn’t a privilege, but a right.

Millions of people around the world could get access to safe water in their homes with the help of small, affordable loans.
That’s where comes in. We are here to bring safe water and sanitation to the world through access to small, affordable loans. There is both a need and demand for these loans, because when people have access to safe water, they get time back to go to school, earn an income and take care of their family. It changes their world.
For more than 25 years, with your help, we’ve been providing families with hope, health and the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty.
Nonprofit that brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. 100% of the nonprofit’s public donations go directly to clean water technologies that range from wells to water filtration.

In an effort to change that statistic, we have compiled a list of seven organizations, ranging from nonprofits to good doing companies, who are on a mission to ensure that everyone has drinkable water. Feel free to tell us about other water organizations who are guaranteeing that clean water isn’t a privilege, but a right.

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